Al-Dehydra is an innovative countertop water dispenser designed to track users' daily water intake. This product features voice activation and alerts to remind users to stay hydrated.
During the research phase, my secondary research focused on learning Alzheimer’s disease and its relationship with dehydration.
As for primary research, I conducted interviews with individuals with Alzheimer's disease or those showing signs of developing AD. Through these interviews with seven senior couples, I have identified key customer segments based on the following features:
1. People undergoing significant physiological changes with a higher risk of dehydration.
2. Individuals living alone or with their partners, indicating a product that serves a small user group at a time.
3. Elderly groups with one or more members who have constant support and assistance.


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The Al-Dehydra allows the elderly to voice activate the dispenser to inquire about their water intake, making it easy for them to stay hydrated. Additionally, family members and caretakers can monitor the user's health status through the accompanying app, ensuring they receive the necessary support.

Al-Dehydra aims to improve the health and well-being of seniors by providing a convenient and user-friendly solution to track and maintain hydration levels.

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