Stray and lost animals have long been heartbreaking concerns for both pet owners and animal shelters. To address this, we have developed an innovative identification method that leverages dogs’ unique nose prints. This solution is not only harmless but also more accessible and engaging for pets and their owners.
In my role within the team, I am responsible for the UI/UX design, establishing brand guidelines, and developing the marketing strategy. Our team collaborated on customer discovery and the ideation process, identifying key insights and opportunities.

While current solutions such as microchipping and GPS collars exist, they come with limitations. Microchipping, for example, is not widely embraced by owners and is more commonly used in shelters. GPS collars, on the other hand, can be cumbersome for both animals and their owners. We saw an opportunity to create a better, more user-friendly solution.
After conducting primary research through over 78 interviews and secondary research on markets and competitors, we identified our main audience group: millennial dog owners. Millennials, with 93% owning smartphones and 31% being pet owners, are an ideal demographic. Dog owners, in particular, tend to be more social, making them a receptive audience for our product.

Information Architecture
Utilizing the fact that every dog has a unique nose print, we developed a mobile app that allows pet owners to store their pet's information, including their nose ID. The app also enables users to interact with nearby users, fostering a community that helps reunite lost pets with their owners.


Design System

Anyone with a smartphone can download the app and join the community. If they find a lost dog, they can simply scan its nose with the app's camera to identify the dog and contact its owner or nearby animal shelters to help the dog get home.
Upon signing up, users can update their dog's data, including a scan or photo of their nose, which is added to the database. They can also connect with nearby pet owners and join the community.
Key features of the app include reporting a lost dog in a certain location, a map indicating lost dogs' locations, and alerts when a stray is found.

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