This is a UI/UX design for those who suffer SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It can evaluate users' SAD levels, and provide personalized guidelines and recommendations.
During the decision-making phase, a key focus was creating an engaging and visually appealing user experience for the self-rating question pages. These pages were designed to be both illustrative and interesting, ensuring that users would not find the experience monotonous despite the need for them to constantly provide feedback. By incorporating captivating visuals and interactive survey methods, the aim was to make the overall user experience enjoyable and engaging.
Overall, the careful consideration of UI/UX elements, the use of illustrative and engaging designs for self-rating question pages, and the thoughtfully chosen color scheme all contribute to creating an app that not only functions effectively but also provides an enjoyable and visually appealing user experience.
Generate SAD reports 
Includes information such as mood analysis, SAD trend and mood prediction, personalized recommendations
Personalized recommendations
Recommended activities and coping strategies based on each individual’s data
Monitor user’s sleep at night
Predict mood by tracking the sleep cycle, breath pattern, heart rate, etc 
Forecasted weather each day
Displays daily weather information and their association with SAD symptoms

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